Their Dark Eden Wikia

"And that was it - life was no longer the same for us dogs. The Infection took many lives; only a small selection of us thrived on in Eden."<hero description="Welcome to TDE wiki!" imagename="" cropposition=""></hero>

-- Welcome --
Get started by adding your character(s)! We have two templates for info boxes. The first, Template:Infobox_E is for the Edeners. The second, Template:Infobox_I is for the Infected.
Next you can add your character to the List of Edeners or the List of Infected if you wish. Other things to do, you can add things to the Chronology page or The Infection. Do whatever you like, but first, rules:

1. No bullying.
2. No direct threats or harassment.
3. Only the Admin (myself) and the owner of the character may edit their page unless you have proof you are allowed to edit on their behalf.
